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Anxiety into Ambitions.

    A lesson I've  learned throughout my experience in life would be keeping your goals in vision while knowing you are the person that is going to achieve them.  Keeping proper self-care in your mental & emotional state is important in living a healthy lifestyle. Though this is challenging for myself personally, and many other students. In 2016, nearly two-thirds of college students reported “overwhelming anxiety,” up from 50 percent just five years earlier, according to the National College Health Assessment. Everyone comes from a different path, and share different levels of support systems, however we may share the same problems. If you've ever struggled with keeping a clear mindset while working on your desires, you are not alone! Some personal commitments of mine will bring together the spark that'll keep ones vison's bright.

         As previously stated, we each come from a different support system , that is at our households. With living in a more single parent home, Ive been pressed more to ensure priorities are met, such as school. This could've been an excuse to not work as hard, but I understood what it met to get school done.  Other individuals still have lesser support at the house, and foreigners are adjusting to new environments here in the U.S.,  working to make an accepatable living also.     
Know that there is purpose for your life and there's reason for everything done behind your goal, that may vary person to person. People that stopped supporting along the way will see when you're living  how you wanted to. Some  rather see you trip than walking smooth.
Since Highschool, I've shared the same thought many would share;"What are my plans for after graduation?" This has never became more of a reality till when Highschool was really over. Even with a part-time job, the thought of going to college and not failing was constantly going  through my mind each day. This anxiety is something many teens & young adults share alike. Additionally, the uncertainty of what I was going to do resulted in being harder to focus sometimes during the day. Though keep the present in mind, be optimistic about the future!    Though college is not the only answer, I was rejuvenated to find out I've been accepted. It was one step closer to my objective of job security. We as students, did the right thing continuing our educational journey. If you keep your desires in mind, one may wake up everyday with their purpose. If you want it, you will do it.
 If you're similar to me and like to work a lot, this may not pay mind to you but should still apply to everyone. Keeping a set schedule and some leisure time is essential. As young adults, we're booked with school, family, and possibly work also.  Its easy to be overhelmed with all areas combined as we are facing them in some form. One may busy with these areas 24/7. 
However, it it also important to make time for your hobbies and free time. Coping ways vary but they are crucial in adding a healthy lifestyle and mindset!When people engage in leisure activity, they have lower stress levels, better mood, a lower heart rate and more psychological engagement, which can help avoid unhealthy behaviors.

Nonetheless, with the shared student struggles, my commitment of keeping a focused mind despite whos there and working to keep a healthy lifestyle played a huge roll in living how I came to now. I didn't let any worrying, or loss of others keep myself down,  but knowing there's a plan hold myself up.


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